First of all, happy new year! Second of all, it was about time that I found some spare time to update the blog! I don't think I will be able to be very consistent until next month because of finals, but I will try to have one more post up after this one! :)
In this post I wanted to show you that just because it's winter, it doesn't mean that colours aren't allowed! and well also because I'm a bit obsessed with quilted jackets and metallics.
I was inspired by House of Holland's collection from this fall which is full of colour – something that is not common to see in a fall-winter collection. The key is to go with darker colours yet colourful enough to break with the all-black/grey outfit and maybe to add some sparkle with sequins or metallics, if you prefer. You also have the choice of pastel colours which are a great alternative during the winter time: baby pink and blue in knit sweaters are my faves when I want to add some colour to my outfit.
I was inspired by House of Holland's collection from this fall which is full of colour – something that is not common to see in a fall-winter collection. The key is to go with darker colours yet colourful enough to break with the all-black/grey outfit and maybe to add some sparkle with sequins or metallics, if you prefer. You also have the choice of pastel colours which are a great alternative during the winter time: baby pink and blue in knit sweaters are my faves when I want to add some colour to my outfit.
Lo primero de todo, feliz año nuevo! y lo segundo, ya era hora de que encontrara un hueco para actualizar el blog! No creo que consiga actualizar de forma consistente hasta dentro de un mes por los exámenes, pero intentaré que haya uno más después de este :)
En este post querÃa mostraros que simplemente porque sea invierno, no significa que esten prohibidos los colores! y bueno tambien porque estoy un poco obsesionada con las chaquetas acolchadas y los acabados metálicos. Me inspiré en la colección de este otoño de House of Holland que esta llena de estampados y colores– algo que normalmente no te esperas de una coleccion de otoño-invierno. La clave esta en buscar colores oscuros pero a la vez que se vean bastante como para romper con un conjunto negro o gris de pies a cabeza y quizás añadir un poco de brillo con lentejuelas y metalizados, si lo prefieres. También esta la opción de los colores pastel que son mi alternativa favorita en invierno: los jerséis de punto rosas y azules clarito son perfectos cuando quiero añadir algo de color a un outfit.
Yo solo uso colores granates y me da igual que sea verano o invierno jajaja aunque los colores pastel para invierno lo veo bien :)